Friday, September 9, 2011


Major examinations are around the corner..... My friends are feverish over their children who'll be sitting for UPSR, PMR dan SPM trial. Everybody is counting the days...

It reminds me of my school days. My mother was a teacher then. She kept reminding me of the coming exams throughout the year. She would recite doa for the children after every solat.

I managed my own study table, activities and of course having to help with the house chores. Towards exam days, it was cool.... no pressure except wanting to do the best.
My mother and father had helped me did my best... although i could have done better if i had studied harder.

Thank you Mak and Abah...

Thank you to all the teachers whom have taught me in my primary n secondary years, not forgetting my pre-school gains. All of you are my second parents.

I have always wanted to be a teacher.....

God bless all these wonderful people in my life.

Good luck to my "children" for the coming exams....

Monday, September 5, 2011


Tidak ada kata2 yang mampu menzahirkan apa yang aku lalui....
Rasa terbungkam perasaan kalau dipendam.
Kanvas maya jadi perantaraan...

Tahun ketiga raya berasingan...Aku ingat makin lama jadi kebiasaan,tidak lah aku terasa terlalu kehilangan..

Rupanya semakin menganjak masa, semakin sayu hati....Terasa anak2 semakin jauh.

Itu lah harga yang amat mahal yang perlu aku bayar untuk satu perpisahan.

Tapi aku yakin Allah swt maha pengasih dan maha pemurah.Aku berserah.