Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Today is the last day 0f year 2008. I look forward to welcoming the new year with hopes and expectations that the best will happen to everyone, every living soul. So that we can share our happiness and contempt, so that less people get hurt, so that more people will prosper, so that many will turn out to be great achievers in their fields, so that the children are able to sing, to laugh, to eat and to shelter, so that the world lives in peace.

And I wish....

My children will do better in their lives
To believe and have faith in God
To learn to take up responsibilities to do well in their studies
To to go to school whole heartedly and to learn from teachers and friend
To appreciate food laid on the tables every meal time
To help with the house chores and be hygienic
To respect the elderly an fellow friends

And I hope.....

Mak n Abah know that I love them very much
My siblings are my precious gems

And I too hope ....

I can be a better person
A better mother
A better worker
A better servant to God

And at times I wish....

I could just sit at one corner
Doing nothing but appreciate life.