Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Sometimes the nearest destination seems to be the longest journey. When we thought we could reach to a point where life seemed perfect, it shatters... At times I wish I could just stop at a juncture, decide the road where the best is ahead of me, and move on from there.

All the hopes that i wished for...

Yet I'm still the same person. Maybe I have tried to change. Or maybe, the worse part, I refuse to change at all!! I follow my heart as often as i want to.... and be it the reason that life is what as it it now, how intentionally or without realising react towards it.

I'm sorry that things do not work out. I'm sorry that I didn't try hard enough. I'm sorry at times I still look back and collect the pieces we left.

Pray for my well being....and from afar I always do so for you. Depart.

Happy Birthday Mak

How fast time flies...it's the last day of January 2012. Today is my Mak's 68th birthday. I called her in the morning to wish her for longevity, to be filled with happiness, love, wealth and wonderful things ahead. Despite having to go through alot of uneasiness and sad stories, Mak has always been a strong lady. She has the strength of a Trojan! I love u Mak.
Dear Allah, please forgive Mak if she errs as your slave, if she does wrong cos she's only human. Shower her with Your blessings. Bestow her with great faith dan surrender to the mightiness of God. Reward her with Heaven when the time comes....amin.
Tahirah Akmal Awang Chik